Simulating a first-order reaction

The first step in simulating reaction kinetics


Let’s think about a first-order reaction. The rate of such a reaction depends only on the rate constant and the concentration of one species. Ours will be a single molecule \(A\) going to a molecule \(B\) with a rate coefficient \(k\): \[A \overset{k}{\rightarrow} B\] The overall rate of this reaction is \(-\frac{d[A]}{dt} = k[A]\) - the change in the concentration of A or B over time is proportional to \([A]\).

As this is a rate expressed as a differential equation, to find the concentration of [A] at a given time, you can integrate this equation, resulting in: \[[A] = [A]_0 e^{-kt}\]

This you might recognise as an exponential decay curve.

To demonstrate what this looks like in a couple of ways, we have a grid of 10,000 particles. A is green, B is purple. Below that is a curve showing how many of these particles are in state A. Play with the rate coefficient a bit to see what happens.

Show the code
  const svg =, 250))
    .attr("cy", (_,i) => Math.floor(i / 100) * 2.5 + 2.5)
    .attr("cx", (_,i) => i % 100 * 5 + 2.5)
    .attr("r", 1)
    .style("fill", d => d.state == "A" ? "purple" : "greenyellow");
    return svg.node(); 
Show the code
  height: 200,
  width: 500,
  marks: [
    Plot.line(states, {x: "Time", y: "fraction_A"}),
  y: {domain: [0, 10000]}

Why am I doing this?

I found kinetics a bit hard to grasp when taught it through lectures, and I know other people did too. I could do the calculations just fine, but I didn’t build a good intuition until I was building my own models for my PhD. I want to build a set of learning tools to help people build intuitions. I believe having toys with knobs and dials to play with is a great way to build these. This is the simplest example of kinetics there is, so it’s where I’m starting.

How does it work?

This uses the integral form of the rate equation. You can find how to get to it here.

For a particle in state A, there is a chance that in a time period (\(\Delta t\)) that it will react and change to state B (\(P(transition)\)). The faster the rate coefficient, the more likely it is to happen. In fact, this probability is \[P(transition) = 1 - e^{-k \Delta t}\]

So we start with an array of 10,000 particles in state A. Each time step, we generate 10,000 random numbers. If the number matching a particle of A is greater than \(P(transition)\), the particle is now in state B.

Show the code
states = {
  let deltaTime = .04;
  let simulationTime = 10;
  let numberOfParticles = 10000;

  // Initialize the grid of particles
  let particles = Array.from({ length: numberOfParticles }, () => ({ state: 'A' }));

  // Create a function to calculate discrete probability
  function calculateProbability(deltaTime, rateConstant) {
    return 1 - Math.exp(-rateConstant * deltaTime);

  // Function to update particle states based on probability
  function updateParticleStates(particles, probability) {
    particles.forEach((particle) => {
      if (Math.random() < probability) {
        particle.state = 'B';
  let states = [];
  for (let time = 0; time <= simulationTime; time += deltaTime) {
    // Calculate discrete probability
    const probability = calculateProbability(deltaTime, rateConstant);

    // Update particle states based on probability
    updateParticleStates(particles, probability);
    // This is the source of the bug that actually took most of the time writing this code.
    // I was trying to plot the state of the particles at any given time but ended up displaying the last time point. Turns out, even a shallow copy wasn't enough, and I needed to do this silliness.
    const particlesCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(particles));
    // Visualize or log the current state of the particles
    states.push({Time: time, particles: particlesCopy, fraction_A: particles.filter(particle => particle.state == "A").length})
  return states